Press Releases

Press releases and opinion editorials from the Office of Senator Sal DiDomenico.

Senator DiDomenico Speaks with Civic Action Project Fellows

Senator Sal DiDomenico spoke with graduate students participating in the Civic Action Project (CAP) Fellowship at the State House. DiDomenico shared his journey of getting involved in politics and becoming a City Councilor in his hometown and State Senator for his district. The Senator also discussed his legislative priorities, how he advocates for the issues that are important to him and his district, and how critical it is to be engaged in state government.

“One of the best parts of this job is talking with young people who are passionate about making positive changes in our world and are eager to learn,” said State Senator Sal DiDomenico. “I know we are facing a wide range of challenges, so it is inspiring to see so many students dedicated to working on addressing these issues and making our communities and country a better place. I want to thank the Civic Action Project team for inviting me and for supporting so many young people interested in policymaking. My office has also benefited from this program by having CAP alum, Ayla Thorntona, as our amazing Legislative Director.”

Sal DiDomenico